BACC II Launch at ECCA 2015 in Copenhagen

BACC II (Second BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea basin) is the successor to BACC, which was terminated with the publication of the BACC book. The purpose of the first BACC assessment (BACC) was to provide the scientific community with an assessment of ongoing climate variations in the Baltic Basin. An important element was the comparison with the historical past. Also, changes in relevant environmental systems, due to climate variations, were assessed – such as hydrological, ocean and ecosystem changes. The work has generated a large activity around the Baltic Sea with more than 80 authors writing the assessment and a close cooperation with HELCOM. The BACC book was published in 2008.

The aim of BACC II was to organize and publish an updated assessment by 2014, building on and extending BACC.

The launch event of the BACC II Book is planned in the frame of ECCA 2015 the European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, 12-14 May in Copenhagen, with an expected 1.000 participants. The event will be on Thursday 14 May as Midday Plenary in the Auditorium 11 of the Bella Center in Copenhagen, 13:15 - 13:45.

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