UNEP, IUCN to launch new €20m programme on ecosystem-based adaptation

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) are jointly launching the Global Fund for Ecosystem-based Adaptation [2020-2024], which aims to provide targeted and rapid support mechanisms through seed capital for innovative approaches to ecosystem-based adaptation. At the recently concluded UN Climate Change Conference (COP 25) in Madrid, the Federal Environment Ministry of Germany (BMU) announced that it would provide €20m for the new UNEP-IUCN programme, officially titled “Support for the Implementation and Upscaling of Ecosystem-based Adaptation."

Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) refers to the set of approaches that involve the management of ecosystems to reduce the vulnerability of human communities to climate change. The restoration of mangroves and coral reefs, for example, protects coastal areas from the impacts of rising sea levels, while planting and restoring vegetation on hillsides and mountains prevents erosion and landslides during extreme rainfall.

EbA is a key pillar of the movement to promote ecosystem-based, or nature-based, measures for climate change adaptation, which have gained scientific and policy interest over the past few years due to their multiple benefits for people and the planet.


The full press release can be found at unenvironment.org

The German Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) established the International Climate Initiative (IKI) in 2008. More information about IKI can be found at international-climate-initiative.com
