Stellungnahme von EUCC zu IKZM in Europa

On the 12th of  March 2013, the European Commission launched a new joint initiative on integrated coastal management and maritime spatial planning. The proposal, which took the form of a draft Directive, aimed to establish a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management in EU Member States with a view to promote the sustainable growth of maritime and coastal activities and the sustainable use of coastal and marine resources. In this proposal, ICM was a core part in the draft directive. However, later developments and wording have resulted into less attention to ICM, withdrawing many provisions on ICM implementation in the EU. At this stage, the draft directive is being discussed in the European Parliament.

EUCC has been actively involved in fostering the development of ICM (former ICZM) throughout EU and beyond and firmly believes that ICM should continue to be fundamental in this new European Directive. This is the reason why we release a position paper highlighting the positive effects of ICM and calling the EU Parliament (EP) and Member States (MS) the attention and the need to keep ICM as a sustainable development vector throughout European coasts connected to the MSP process by means of a framework directive.

Please download the position paper to know EUCC’s arguments in favour of ICZM.
