Baltic Mussel Network

The Baltic Mussel Network wants to give a platform to scientists, practitioners and anyone else dealing with mussel cultivation in the Baltic Sea. The objectives are to exchange recent practical, technical, ecological, economic, social and modeling experiences in mussel farming in the Baltic Sea as well as providing an overview about processing and products. Topics such as the role of mussel farming in eutrophication management  require further discussion.

The idea of a Baltic Mussel Network developed after two successful workshops on this topic in Warnemünde and Kiel in summer 2011. The successful cooperation between all participants should not be limited only to meetings. Within the network, dialogue and exchange of experiences and research results are supported.

The network is open to everyone. To become part of Baltic Mussel Network, please contact Gerald Schernewski (Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research,

Baltic Lagoon Network “BALLOON”:

First Workshop „Mussel farming in the Baltic: experiences and perspectives“ 8th of June 2011

On June 8th, 2011, the first workshop about „Mussel farming in the Baltic: experiences and perspectives“ took place at the Leibniz Institute in Warnemünde. Recent developments and future possibilities were discussed by 26 participants from 5 countries. The range of topics was manifold: Experiences in mussel cultivation from Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania and Germany gave insights in research as well as practical aspects. Which materials are suitable and which locations are best for mussel development? The integration of mussels into a nutrient cycle (especially Nitrogen) were discussed, mussels could therefore be used as fodder, fertilizer or for human consumption. Furthermore, the question of funding was raised. Local consumption or trading with nutrient certificates as subsidies are two possibilities. Additionally, the use of mussels for the improvement of water quality and transparency due to their high filtration capacity was an important topic, which becomes even more pressing in regard to the goals of the Water Framework Directive. Moreover, rising water temperatures because of climate change could increase the problem. Mussel farms could be part of a mitigation strategy.

On the other hand, mussel cultivation is a relatively new topic, at least for some regions in the Baltic. Therefore, research still has to answer many questions and uncertainties.

Program of the Workshop



Jens Kjerulf Petersen: Current experiences with mussel mitigation cultures

Odd Lindahl: Mussel farming in the Baltic may recycle nutrients into high quality feedstuff

Peter Krost: Technical and economical feasability of mussel farming in the western baltic

Izabela Zgud, Adam Sokolowski, Maciej Wołowicz: Preliminary results of experimental study on application of Mytilus trossulusfarming to remediate the environmental state of the southern Baltic Sea (Poland)

Anastasija Zaiko: Mussel farming in the Curonian Lagoon - Challenges and Perspectives

Gerald Schernewski: Managing Eutrophication: Cost-effectiveness of Zebra mussel farming in the Oder (Szczecin) Lagoon

Wera Leujak: UBA Statement mussels as biofilters

Mussel workshop "Bivalve Aquaculture in the Baltic Sea – Environment, Climate Change, Modelling" 12th of July 2011

After the  start-up workshop about mussel cultivation in Warnemünde this June, a follow-up meeting was organized  by CRM (Coastal Research & Management) in Kiel in focused on the project RAdOst on the 12th of June 2011. Scientists and practitioners  exchanged experiences in mussel cultivation und discussed possible future developments following the talk in Warnemünde. Additionally, a visit to the mussel farm of CRM was offered. The Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde presented its model which, inter alia, estimates potential effects of mussel cultivation on aquatic eco-systems and displays nutrient cycles. Joint measurement campaigns were planned to validate the model and  gain better understanding of what happens in and around a mussel farm. Finally, all participants agreed that cooperation should go on after the workshops in Warnemünde and Kiel, therefore a “Baltic Mussel Network” was founded.

Program of the Workshop

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