Meer im Fokus

„Meer in Fokus,“  EUCC-D utilizes the successfully completed "Küstenschule" project and focuses on extracurricular educational work on the sea and coasts. The main goal of this project is the sustainable use and development of the Baltic Sea and its coasts. Furthermore, the core of the project concept is a student excursion with a guided field course on the sea and coasts. This experience will lead to the youth to independently make their own conclusions and educated them with the help of new media in terms of the project’s exhibition, preparing them to share their newfound knowledge with the public.

Students will function as active players with knowledge not just confined to the schoolroom, but instead engaging with it in a public space in terms of a competition and becoming active observers of and experts on their coast. The target group of this project are students between 8th and 13th grade in Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Further information is available here (German).

Tasks of the EUCC-D: Construction of an information portal for students, teachers, and disseminators; creation of information and learning materials on coastal-specific topics; care and assistance of school classes during the project work; public relations; and various other tasks.


Tasks of the EUCC-D: Construction of an information portal for students, teachers, and disseminators, creation of information and learning materials on coastal-specific topics, care and assistance of school classes during the project work, public relations, and other tasks.

Duration: June 2010 through August 2012.

Funding Partners: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, BINGO! Projektförderung in Schleswig- Holstein und Klara Samariter-Stiftung


Relevant Newsletters:

Print media:

  • DBU-Pressemitteilung im Rostocker Express (11.08.2010)
  • DBU-Pressemitteilung im Warnow Kurier (18.08.2010)
  • DBU-Pressmitteilung in bildung + reisen 2/ 2010
  • Kieler Nachrichten (01.07.2010)
  • Avis Flensborg (18.09.2010)
  • Der Nordschleswiger (21.09.2010)
  • Rendsburger Tagespost (16.11.2010)
  • Der Reporter (16.11.2010)
  • Lübecker Nachrichten
  • Holsteiner Courier (15.12.2010)
  • Schülerzeitung Spicker (Nr. 03) der Holstenschule Neumünster
  • Kieler Nachrichten (17.05.2011)
  • Eckernförder Zeitung (28.06.2011)
  • Eckernförder Nachrichten (28.06.2011)
  • Kieler Nachrichten (02.07.2011)
  • Ostsee Zeitung (04.10.2011)
  • Holsteiner Nachrichten (03.12.2011)
  • Lübecker Nachrichten (29.03.2012)
  • OstseeZeitung (16.03.2013)
  • Ostsee Zeitung (19.03.2013)
  • Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten (20.03.2013)


  • EUCC-D educational flyer
  • DBU „Meer im Fokus“ flyer on  „Environment Week“


  • Meer im Fokus - an extracurricular educational project
  • Meer im Fokus - photo competition around the sea and coasts
  • Competition Posters:
    • Photo Competition „Energy at the Water“
    • Photo Competition „Baltic Sea Ecosystem“
    • Photo Competition „Lübecker Bucht“
    • Photo Competition „Climate and Seas“
    • Photo Competition „Economic Space Baltic Sea“
    • Creative-Competition Baltic Sea
    • Logo Competition Baltic Sea
    • Photo Competition „Postcard Design for the Baltic Sea“
    • Photo Competition „City by the Sea“
    • Photo Competition „Water and Seas“
    • Photo Competition „People and & Seas“
    • Photo Competition „From the Harbour City up to the Baltic Sea Coast“

Articles / Publications:

Further documents and detailed informationen on "Meer im Fokus" are available at the project homepage (German).


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