MeerSehen (SEEtheSEA)

With “MeerSehen” (SEEtheSEA) EUCC-D continued the successfully implemented extracurricular educational projects, and dedicated itself once again on its educational work focusing on coast and sea. From September 2014 on a youth media competition in Schleswig-Holstein invited children and young people from school year 5 to 13 to expand their awareness of their maritime environment. The contest was based on the concept of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It called young people to rediscover coast and sea through media and to explore coast and sea as an economic, natural, social and cultural area or place of their own identity.

"MeerSehen" (SEEtheSEA) was a joint project of EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany (EUCC-D), the initiative Zukunftsschule.SH, the Open Channel Schleswig-Holstein (OKSH) and the Administration of the Wadden Sea National Park Schleswig-Holstein. The project was managed by EUCC-D.

Duration: April 2014 to July 2015

Funded by: BINGO! Projektförderung in Schleswig-Holstein, Schleswig-Holsteinische Sparkassen, Verband für Schulen des gemeinsamen Lernens S-H (GGG)


Information material (all in German):

Newsletters (all in German):

Articles/ Publications (all in German):

  • Magazin Meer & Küste 5/2014, Seite 29: "Zukunft gestalten lernen"
  • Press release on competition launch, 01/09/2014 - appeared on PresseAnzeiger
  • Lübecker Nachrichten: „MeerSehen: Kreative Kinder gesucht“, 12/09/2014, Link
  • Press release on competition final, 22/05/2015 - appeared on OpenPR, PresseAnzeiger
  • Press release on prize-day, 26/062015 - appeared on OpenPR
  • Eckernförder Zeitung: „Ausgezeichnet. Isarnwohld-Schüler sehen Meer“, 19/06/2015, Link
  • NDR 1 Welle Nord, radio contribution from Marta Banasch, Landesfunkhaus Schleswig-Holstein, 30/06/2015
  • Husumer Nachrichten: „Prämierter Blick auf die Heimat“, 02/07/2015
  • Press release on prize-day, 08/07/2015 - appeared on OpenPR
  • Kiel TV: Prize-day. Broadcast recording from 30/06 am 11/07/2015 at 13:00 and 20:00 Uhr in the local station "Kiel TV" of the "OK Kiel"
  • Eckernförder Nachrichten: „Mit Hörbuch und Blog zum Sieg“, 14/07/2015, Link
  • NDR Schleswig-Holstein Magazin, TV contibution „Wie sehen junge Menschen das Meer?“, 19/06/2015, Link


  • "MeerSehen" (SEEtheSEA) was presented at nine regional award events of the initiative "Zukunftsschule.SH":
    • Award event Zukunftsschule.SH - County Rendsburg-Eckernförde: 11/06/2014, Flintbek
    • Award event Zukunftsschule.SH - County Kiel: 12/06/2014, Kiel
    • Award event Zukunftsschule.SH - Counties Ostholstein, Lübeck, Storman, HZTM Lauenburg: 18/06/2014, Eutin
    • Award event Zukunftsschule.SH - County Steinburg: 18/06/2014, Hohenlockstedt
    • Award event Zukunftsschule.SH - Counties Segeberg, Pinneberg, Neumünster: 19/06/2014, Wahlstedt
    • Award event Zukunftsschule.SH - Counties Schleswig-Flensburg, Flensburg: 19/06/2014, Schleswig
    • Award event Zukunftsschule.SH - County Plön: 24/06/2014, Lütjenburg
    • Award event Zukunftsschule.SH - County Nordfriesland: 26/06/2014, Mildstedt
    • Award event Zukunftsschule.SH - County Dithmarschen: 02/07/2014, Heide
  • Media Competenz Day Schleswig-Holstein 2014: 30/09/2014, Kiel
  • Practice Day 2014 - Global Learning/ ESD (Education for sustainable development): 11/11/2014, Rendsburg

Training courses and workshops for teachers and multipliers:

In the context of training and workshops teachers and multipliers are informed of the competition and are trained in content and media.

  • SINUS certification course for the elective course "Applied Sciences" of the Institute for Quality Development at Schools Schleswig-Holstein (IQSH): 09/01/2014, Lübeck
  • Teaching and learning with perspective. Teaching and school culture for responsible thought and action - ESD interest day 2014 of the Institute for Quality Development at Schools Schleswig-Holstein (IQSH): 14/02/2014, Kiel
  • SINUS certification course for the elective course "Applied Sciences" of the Institute for Quality Development at Schools Schleswig-Holstein (IQSH): 04/05/2015, Lübeck-Travemünde, Priwall

Youth workshops:
The SEEtheSEA-Team has shown pupils and teachers the contents and media opportunities in the competition:

  • Youth workshop SEEtheSEA - Open Channel Kiel, 09/10/2014, Kiel
  • Youth workshop SEEtheSEA - Open Channel Lübeck, 11/09/2014, Lübeck
  • Youth workshop SEEtheSEA - Open Channel Flensburg, 17/09/2014, Flensburg
  • Youth workshop SEEtheSEA - Open Channel West Coast, 18/09/2014, Heide
  • Youth Workshop SEEtheSEA - Anne Frank School Bargteheide, 06/10/2014, Bargteheide
  • Youth workshop SEEtheSEA - Open Channel Lübeck, 12/02/2015, Lübeck

Consultation hours:
In the context of "consultation hours" the SEEtheSEA-Team has helped the pupils and teachers with advice and assistance, answered questions, and submitted support services:

  • Consultation hour SEEtheSEA - Open Channel Kiel, 11/02/2015, Kiel
  • Consultation hour SEEtheSEA - Open Channel Lübeck, 12/02/2015, Lübeck
  • Consultation hour SEEtheSEA - Open Channel West Coast, 18/02/2015, Heide
  • Consultation hour SEEtheSEA - Open Channel Flensburg, 19/02/2015, Flensburg
Transmittals, the jury’s decision making, audience award:
The deadline for the media competition contributions was May 30th 2015. About 300 children and teenagers from 15 schools and associations participated in the competition with all together 65 contributions in the categories “video”, “audio” and “multimedia”.

The top-class jury consisting of marine scientist Prof. Martin Visbeck, kite surf world cup winner Christine Bönniger and movie director Christian Mertens took its time for more than 7 hours and evaluated the 13 nominations in a meeting on June 17th.

During the “Kieler Woche 2015” from June 20th-28th, the audience award was elected in the SEEtheSEA-container of the Open Channel Schleswig-Holstein on the harbour promenade in Kiel.

See the winning contributions here.

Award ceremony:
The award ceremony, submitted live by the Open Channel Schleswig-Holstein, took place on June 30th 2015 in the "Schleswig-Holstein Landtag" (Schleswig-Holstein hall of the federal state) in Kiel. Find a detailed report and photos here. In addition to the live radio broadcast, the ceremony was on KielTV on July 11th. It is available in the media center of Open Channel Kiel.

Find more information to the project on the project’s homepage (German).

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