Coastline Reports 19 (2012)

H. Nilsson, R. Povilanskas & N. Stybel (eds.): Code of Conduct on transboundary management of Transitional Waters
This report contains the Code of Conduct and Good Practice examples developed within the international project ARTWEI. ARTWEI aims at developing methods for effective management of transitional waters in transboundary areas. Focus areas of the project are four different waterbodies in the south Baltic Sea which all are located in transboundary areas, namely Curonian lagoon, Vistula lagoon, Odra lagoon and Öresund. ARTWEI is an EU co-financed project and runs from March 2010 to February 2013. Lead Partner of the project is Klaipeda University and the partnership consists of five organisations from Lithuania, Germany, Sweden, Poland and one associated organisation from Russia.
The report is in English. For ordering Coastline Reports 19 (2012) (25 Euro including postage, 15 Euro for members of EUCC Germany) please send an e-mail with your addresses for delivery and invoice to: The complete report can be downloaded as an Acrobat PDF-File (see below).
Der Band ist in englischer Sprache verfasst. Der Coastline Reports 19 (2012) kann für 25 Euro (15 Euro für Mitglieder von EUCC Deutschland) inklusive Porto bestellt werden: Bitte geben Sie die Liefer- und Rechnungsadresse an. Der gesamte Band kann hier als Acrobat-PDF-File heruntergeladen werden:
H. Nilsson, R. Povilanskas & N. Stybel (eds.): Transboundary management of Transitional Waters - Code of Conduct and Good Practice examples, Coastline Reports 19 (2012), ISSN 0928-2734, ISBN 978-3-939206-04-0
(PDF-File 3,5 MB)