Coastline Reports 21 (2013)

O. Krarup Leth, K. Dahl, H. Peltonen, I. Krämer & L. Kūle (eds.): Sectoral Impact Assessments for the Baltic Sea Region - Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity, Fisheries, Coastal Infrastructure and Tourism
The interaction between climate change and sectors, government functions etc. are likely to be rather complex. Identifying which effects are important in terms of responding now may seem to be a rather overwhelming task. However, assessing the effects of climate change may be focused on specific sectors and broken down into manageable steps while risk assessments can be used to guide judgements on where to focus adaptation efforts.
In the EU Interreg project Baltadapt, climate change impact assessment has been focused on the following three sectors: Fish stocks and fisheries, infrastructure and tourism. Besides these sectors, climate change impact on the Baltic Sea marine biodiversity has also been assessed. Results can be found in the following chapters.
Climate change is truly a cross-cutting issue impacting different sectors on macro-regional scales. Our ability to respond to negative effects of climate change in the Baltic Sea Region relies on the generation of reliable and relevant information. Strengthening of scientific and technological capacity is crucial here to help reduce our vulnerability and build resilience in national, local, regional and macro-regional infrastructures. The selection in Baltadapt of the particular sectors is based on the notion that climate change adaptation can gain particularly from region-wide cooperation here because impacts are expected in major parts of the region.
Together the assessments presented in this report form a basis for the development of a Baltic Sea climate change adaptation strategy and action plan, a main output of the Baltadapt project.
The report is in English. For ordering Coastline Reports 21 (2013) (25 Euro including postage, 15 Euro for members of EUCC Germany) please send an e-mail with your addresses for delivery and invoice to: The complete report can be downloaded as an Acrobat PDF-File (see below).
Der Band ist in englischer Sprache verfasst. Der Coastline Reports 21 (2013) kann für 25 Euro (15 Euro für Mitglieder von EUCC Deutschland) inklusive Porto bestellt werden: Bitte geben Sie die Liefer- und Rechnungsadresse an. Der gesamte Band kann hier als Acrobat-PDF-File heruntergeladen werden:
O. Krarup Leth, K. Dahl, H. Peltonen, I. Krämer & L. Kūle (eds.): Sectoral Impact Assessments for the Baltic Sea Region - Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity, Fisheries, Coastal Infrastructure and Tourism, Coastline Reports 21 (2013), ISSN 0928-2734, ISBN 978-3-939206-08-8
Furthermore, all papers are available as a separate download:
Alle Beiträge können nachfolgend zudem einzeln als PDF-Files heruntergeladen werden:
Dahl, K., Josefson, A.B., Göke, C., Aagaard Christensen, J.P., Hansen, J.L.S., Markager, S., Rasmussen, M.B., Dromph, K., Tian, T., Wan, Z., Krämer, I., Viitasalo, M., Kostamo, K., Borenäs, K., Bendtsen, J., Springe, G., Bonsdorff, E.. Climate Change Impacts on Marine Biodiversity and Habitats in the Baltic Sea - and Possible Human Adaptations. In: O. Krarup Leth, K. Dahl, H. Peltonen, I. Krämer & L. Kūle (eds.). Sectoral Impact Assessments for the Baltic Sea Region - Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity, Fisheries, Coastal Infrastructure and Tourism. Coastline Reports (21), pp. 1-34. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2013. [Abstract], [PDF, 2.1 MB]
Peltonen, H., Varjopuro, R., Viitasalo, M.. Climate Change Impacts on the Baltic Sea Fish Stocks and Fisheries - Review with a focus on Central Baltic herring, sprat and cod. In: O. Krarup Leth, K. Dahl, H. Peltonen, I. Krämer & L. Kūle (eds.). Sectoral Impact Assessments for the Baltic Sea Region - Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity, Fisheries, Coastal Infrastructure and Tourism. Coastline Reports (21), pp. 35-54. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2013. [Abstract], [PDF, 3 MB]
Krämer, I., Borenäs, K., Daschkeit, A., Filies, C., Haller, I., Janßen, H., Karstens, S., Kūle, L., Lapinskis, J., Varjopuro, R.. Climate Change Impacts on Infrastructure in the Baltic Sea Region. In: O. Krarup Leth, K. Dahl, H. Peltonen, I. Krämer & L. Kūle (eds.). Sectoral Impact Assessments for the Baltic Sea Region - Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity, Fisheries, Coastal Infrastructure and Tourism. Coastline Reports (21), pp. 55-90. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2013. [Abstract], [PDF, 0.6 MB]
Kūle, L., Haller, I., Varjopuro, R., Alberth, J.. Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Tourism in the Baltic Sea Region. In: O. Krarup Leth, K. Dahl, H. Peltonen, I. Krämer & L. Kūle (eds.). Sectoral Impact Assessments for the Baltic Sea Region - Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity, Fisheries, Coastal Infrastructure and Tourism. Coastline Reports (21), pp. 91-132. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2013. [Abstract], [PDF, 0.5 MB]