Coastline Reports 6 (2005)

B. Glaeser, A. Sekscinska and N. Löser (eds.): Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region
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B. Glaeser, A. Sekscinska and N. Löser (Editors): Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region, Coastline Reports 6 (2005), ISSN 0928-2734. (PDF-file, 6.06 MB!)
Furthermore, all papers are available as a separate download:
- Glaeser, B., Sekścińska, A., Löser, N.. Regionale IKZM-Prozesse im Kontext der nationalen Strategie. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 1-9. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 268.9 kB]
- Cieślak, A.. Narodowa strategia ZZOP: Zarys polskiego punktu widzenia. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 11-18. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 277.3 kB]
- Feilbach, M.. Bestandsanalyse des IKZM Stettiner Haff aus deutscher Sicht am Beispiel Tourismus. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 19-24. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 394.1 kB]
- Czarnecka-Zawada, S., Janssen, G.. Rechtsinstrumente der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit zur Umsetzung eines bilateralen IKZM am Stettiner Haff. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 25-33. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 258.9 kB]
- Edler, J.. Deutschland und IKZM - Tatsächliche und rechtliche Gegebenheiten für ein deutsches IKZM. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 35-41. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 245.0 kB]
- Schernewski, G., Löser, N., Sekścińska, A.. Integrated Coastal Area and River Basin Management (ICARM): The Oder/Odra case study. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 43-54. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 584.5 kB]
- Permien, T., Dehne, P., Löser, N., Schernewski, G.. Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement als ein Prozess der Regionalen Agenda 21. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 55-61. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 651.4 kB]
- Wenk, R.. Raumplanung als Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 63-71. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 723.0 kB]
- Hoffmann, J.. Indikatoren für die Küste im Kontext grenzüberschreitender Regionalentwicklung. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 73-86. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 354.2 kB]
- Błaszczak, T.. Ramowa Dyrektywa Wodna: Strategia wdrażania. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 87-99. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 315.1 kB]
- Schneider, M., Tiepolt, L.. Hochwasserschutzkonzept Nordusedom. In: Glaeser, B., Sekścińska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 101-107. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 878.7 kB]
- Neumüller, J., Gretzschel, O., Friedrich, S., Reents, M.. A Basin Wide "Transnational Action Program" for Preventive Flood Protection for the Oder. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 109-119. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 855.2 kB]
- Lewicki, I.. Rola i znaczenie ochrony przyrody dla zrównoważonego rozwoju regionu: Miejsca pracy a ekologia. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 121-128. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 520.9 kB]
- Michaelsen, L.. Konfliktlösungsansatz zwischen Fischerei und Meeresnaturschutz im Odermündungsbereich. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 129-138. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 335.4 kB]
- Scheibe, R., Feilbach, M.. Tourismus im Odermündungsgebiet - Probleme und Lösungsansätze. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 139-146. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 278.6 kB]
- Hołowaty, T., Zarębski, P.. "Tourism Partners Europe": przykład współpracy międzynarodowej w rozwoju turystyki. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 147-152. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 554.6 kB]
- Schuldt, B., Borgwardt, K.. Vorsorgeplanungssystem VPS - Bekämpfung von Schadstoffunfällen auf Nord- und Ostsee. In: Glaeser, B., Sekścińska, A., N. Löser (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 153-162. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 1.2 MB]
- Schuldt, B., Borgwardt, K.. Sensitivitätskartierung der Deutschen Ostsee. In: Glaeser, B., Sekścińska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 163-167. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 614.3 kB]
- Bock, S., Schernewski, G.. Das Regionale Informationssystem zur Odermündungsregion. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 169-174. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. [Abstract] [Pdf, 867.5 kB]