Berichte & Hintergründe

Sport fishing in the EU

Sport fishing in the EU is a popular pastime and also one that has significant economic implications. Angling has a mixed reputation with regard to its impact on the environment.

Project spotlight: An impetus for aquaculture in the Baltic Sea Region

Contrary to global trends, aquaculture production around the Baltic Sea area has declined during the last decade – despite a shortfall of global seafood supply. A noticeable impulse to reverse this trend was given by the Aquabest project.

Green Growth in Fisheries and Aquaculture

This OECD report summarises the current situation in fisheries and aquaculture, observing that in many parts of the world these sectors are at risk and do not reach their full potential.

Bestandsentwicklung von Brutvögeln im Wattenmeer negativ

Fast 60% der Brutvogelarten im Wattenmeer zeigen negative Trends. Das zeigt einen Bericht der trilateralen Vogelexpertengruppe über Zahlen und Trends der Brutvögel im internationalen Wattenmeer.

WSF 26, Plenumssitzung

Das Thema Klimaveränderungen mit Auswirkungen auf Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Natur gewinnt rasant an Bedeutung. Auch das Wattenmeer Forum widmet sich dem Thema und so stand es wieder im Fokus der WSF-26 Sitzung.

WSF Aktuelles aus den Projekten

Das Wattenmeer-Forums berichtet über Aktuelles aus den Projekten ENHANCE und ARCH.

WSF Kooperation mit dem Wadden Sea Board

Eine neue Arbeitsgruppe zu Schifffahrt und Häfen steht kurz vor der Bildung.

Plastic in cosmetics. Are we polluting the environment through our personal care?

A report released by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) recommends a precautionary approach toward microplastic management, with an eventual phase-out and ban of their use in personal care products and cosmetics (PCCP).

Marine litter indicators: plastic in fish stomachs

ICES release advice to OSPAR on monitoring plastic in fish stomachs

New SEP In-Depth Report: Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity

Science for Environment Policy has published a new on-depth report "Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity".