Politik: Europäische und globale Entwicklungen

Pharmaceuticals in Baltic waters – new status report by UNESCO and HELCOM

Municipal waste water treatment plants are proven to be the main entry point for pharmaceuticals into the marine environment. Helcom sets up a scientific expert group to advise on future environmental policy.

Global treaty to halt invasive aquatic species enters into force

IMO announces a landmark step towards halting the spread of invasive aquatic species via ship ballast water

First version of the HELCOM ‘State of the Baltic Sea’ report

The comprehensive HELCOM overview of the state of the Baltic Sea follows up on the status of the Baltic Sea environment, saying that management is improving but that the environmental objectives of the Baltic Sea Action Plan will not be reached in time.

New resolution on fisheries-related tourism adopted by the European Parliament

Call for a European tourism fishing network as the angling tourism sector shows huge growth potential for coastal communities.

Umweltverbände: Angriff auf den Meeresschutz abgewehrt

Der Bundestag stoppte den Plan der Bundesministerien für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Forschung per Vetorecht zukünftig effektive Meeresschutzmaßnahmen verhindern zu können.

Neuer Bericht zum Meeresschutz und Empfehlungen für die Verhandlungen

Im Rahmen der ersten Meereskonferenz der Vereinten Nationen in New York wurde ein neuer Bericht zur Rolle des regionalen Meeresschutzes bei der Umsetzung der globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele für die Ozeane vorgestellt.

Reduction of nutrient input discussed in HELCOM meeting in St. Petersburg

Provisional results show that input levels of nitrogen and phosphorus into the Baltic Sea continue to fall.

North Sea plan for fisheries: Council ready to negotiate with the EP

North Sea strategy to conserve and protect demersal stocks soon to enter negotiation stage.

Better data on fisheries: Council adopts improved EU rules

EU to align itself with the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and improve fisheries data management.

CPMR backs EU Declaration on ‘Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) on Blue Growth’

EU’s Blue Growth Strategy paves the way for economic investment and more jobs within the maritime sector.